Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Baby Madison Born

On Thursday, October 28th 2010, the beautiful Madison Vivian Motz was born.

Her due date was actually November 22 so she surprised us with an early arrival.  Funny story, we actually completed our last parenting class the night before. That night, Jacque had a sudden bathroom urge and some cramping in the middle of the night.  I told her to go back to sleep and stop freaking her self out.  She said it was getting worse.  We decided to take her to the hospital.  I totally thought the doctor would tell her it was just cramps and we would be back home sleeping within an hour... that didn't happen.

An hour later, we found out Jacque's water did break.  I was a little confused with what the "water breaking" meant.  I asked the nurse, "does this mean we are having baby today?" She said, "either today or tomorrow".  I was like a deer in headlights.

We were not ready for the birth this early. We didn't have a diaper bag packed or the car seat out of the box.  We did however have the baby room mostly done.

After less than 3 hours, Jacque gave birth to a healthy little girl.  5 pounds, 14 ounces. She's amazing. I can't wait until she can talk.